BOOK US AND Let’s Plan Your Big DaY
Conduct business with honesty, integrity, transparency and diligence. Endeavor to provide personal service empathy to clients across the spectrum. Embrace continuous improvement and service through training on new work methods and service delivery. Treat all stakeholders with dignity and respect. Allow customers to define quality and thrive to consistency match their expectation. Demonstrate reliability and consistency in the service delivery.

Commitment ,Integrity and professionalism
making sure that we’ve got experienced staff to do the job right. Comply to high quality safety standards- competent safety officers will be employed to make sure that we work safe and create a safe environment. Continuous internal training development- training of employees to update their skills and knowledge and also to maintain in the skills acquired. Ensure safe and healthy working environment- we will comply with the safety regulation by having the workman compensation fund. To empower our employees- by motivating them & word of appreciation for the job well done and making them feel valued by involving them in the decision making and providing adequate training and support making them participate in the training process. To contribute to local social development- making donations for churches, animal anti-cruelty liques, cansa association South Africa.
Monday: 08:00-16:00
Tuesday: 08:00-16:00
Wednesday: 08:00-16:00
Thursday: 08:00-16:00
Friday: 08:00-14:00
© 2021 Thakhu Trading
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